No Copy Custom Field Name In Browser Extension

According to Custom Fields | Bitwarden Help Center there should be an option to get the custom field name from the right click context menu. I have checked both Chrome and Edge and neither have it.

Is there something I have to do to enable it?

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It’ll be in version 1.53 of the browser extension. They should be approved and available today for most browsers :metal:


Shout out for Opera here too, please (I know, it’s Chromium, but I just don’t want to see it get left behind) :grin:

@THEOCKID - don’t worry! Opera is there, too!

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Wait, are you telling me I, by a complete coincidence, look at the BitWarden help to see how to do automatic filling of custom fields and saw that message in the help and it is a new feature? Ha!


:four_leaf_clover: Sometimes the universe aligns!