Newbie help

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but considering the huge amount of info, can’t seem to find the appropriate help yet. As the topic says, I’m a newbie, so please consider that in your answer, if any.

I downloaded the browser extension for Chrome, and Imported all my accounts with their existing passwords, but can’t figure out how to replace the existing passwords with a new one generated from bitwarden, that’s it!..simple, right?. I’d appreciate it very much if anyone can shed some light on this issue, and point me in the right direction if this is not the place to post this, thank you in advance.

Hi @eltury21 welcome to the Bitwarden Community Forums.

The password itself has to be changed for each site individually. The procedure to follow depends on the site itself. But a good procedure is to navigate to the site you want to change the password for and start the procedure of changing your password.

The Bitwarden extension will show the number 1 next to the extension if it’s found a match, based on the URL. You can then go into the edit mode of that item and then next to the password field is an icon to generate a new password. There you can set the rules that apply to the site (length, special characters, etc). Once you are happy with the displayed password, copy the password or click on keep/select password. Save the entry and then select it again to autofill. It should fill in the new password field(s) and you can proceed to change the password on the site.

I hope I didn’t miss anything as I’m currently writing this from memory.

For further information there’s also a video in the help section:

Hope I could help and if it doesn’t work for any reason just comment again

Best Regards, Daniel

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It worked, thanks Daniel!!!

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