Move items to different organization

Well, in that case it seems very odd that you are stuck on the old UI. Just to clear up any potential misunderstanding, would you mind opening your browser extension, going to Settings > About > About Bitwarden, and posting a screenshot of what you see there?


No, there is no good reason to switch, unless you want to set up Emergency Access or create an Organization vault with Bitwaden users whose accounts are hosted on the .eu server.r

The ui updated only now and the version is 2024.12.3. Maby I had to reboot or something to get it updated.

Same as with webui, item in organization cannot be cloned (not included in menu with three dots).

Please follow my previous instructions:

  • Instead of opening the item, click the three vertical buttons on the right, and choose the “Clone” option.
  • When the New Item screen opens, please take a screenshot showing the “Item Details” section at the top of the screen.
  • Redact the screenshot to remove any sensitive or personal information, but please leave at least one character unredacted in the “Owner” field, so that we can tell what color the text is.
  • Post the screenshot in your response.

It should look something like this:

For item in old organization Clone is not available (see screenshot). For items in new organization Clone is available and I can chose old organization as destination (Similarly own vault items can be cloned to either organization). I am owner of the organization so I should have all rights? I do not post screenshot of cloning dialog for item in new organization since it works.

In the Admin Console, select the old organization, then go to “Collections”, and verify that you have “Can Manage” access to all collections in the old organization. Then, sync your browser extension, and try again.

It seems that that was the probelm all along. Even though I have created the old organization and I was owner etc, My role with the collection was only “edit” and therefore cloning nwas not available. Now I can clone the items via web vault or using FF extension.

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