Hi team-
Can I ask that you allow individual accounts to check their passwords reports against breaches for free so they know which accounts to remediate? I know there is the breach report but the details are mostly useless unless it’s tied to a specific company.
The use case is situations where the breach is a database of emails, usernames, and passwords that have been compromised but may not have a stated source. For example the recent breach that posted data to telegram does not contain details of the original service/source. Most companies might not properly disclose the details for months or years if ever. Therefore there is no way to remediate this issue for yourself and your account may still be vulnerable, but you have no way to figure it out.
I know you need to monetize on your toolkit of services, but this type of goodwill feels right, since victims get left with all the headaches to fix it themselves and the companies and hackers that created the situation walk away free and clear.
Thank you for the consideration.