Make better use of Favourites / Help for faster use on Mobile

I really dont understand why teh browserapp always shows my credits cards first
and i REALLY dont understand why the Android app dont.

So i have two suggestions there.
#1 let us choose what we wanna see first on each app individually
because we have different needs on mobile than in the browser
#2 Let us have fast access to the favourites on Mobile

Thing is on mobile, its still painfully slow, and many times i need one of my cards/codes there
On the desktop on the other hand i cant feel the need needing my bankcard code - EVER :slight_smile:

So a simple and quick solution would be options in each app:
“show first” - cards - yes now
“show first” - favourites - yes now
“show first” - let us choose an folder

that way we dont need to use the slow search function on mobile but can setup our regular needs there