Lost Authentifikator and no Recovery Code

I lost access to my bitwarden password manager, because I reseted my iPhone including the MS Authetificator. Unfortenuatly I forgot to write down the Microsoft Account, I used for the authentificater. A recoveryCode for bitwarten is not avaible. But I know the Masterpassword and die Mail-Adress, I used mit bitwarden. Access to the Mail-Account I used für bitwaren is possible.
Can anybody help?

Finaly I found the MS account, I used for the authentificator. Access to the authetificator is now possible, access to bitwarden too.
Threat can be closed.

Glad you found (or rather had) a way out of this!

To prevent a possible disaster like that, please think of 1) regular exports/backups of your vault and 2) creating a Bitwarden emergency sheet (physical paper…) with everything important on it to log in (at least: email address, server region, master password, 2FA recovery code, vault-export-password, login credentials for your Bitwarden email address…).