Locked out can’t login

:one: Backup Your Data:

First, you should create a backup of your a.s.a.p., because if Bitwarden should stop working on your wife’s computer as well, you could lose access to all of your passwords. Using your wife’s computer, log in at https://vault.bitwarden.com/#/login. In the left-hand navigation menu, navigate to Tools > Export Vault. There, change the “File Format” to “.json (Encrypted)”, and subsequently change the “Export Type” to “Password Protected”. You will be asked to enter (and confirm) a “File Password”, which you should generate randomly and write down in a safe location (note that the “File Password” is different from the Bitwarden Master Password). Click Confirm Format; then, when prompted, enter your Master Password (not the File Password that you just created), and click Export Vault. If you are asked to specify a location to save the file, do so, and then click the Save button.

If you have a Premium subscription, and if you have ever uploaded a file attachment into your Bitwarden vault (or are unsure if you have any file attachments in your vault), then copy and paste the following search expression (including the leading > character, and the final * character) into the search bar in your wife’s Bitwarden app:


Inspect each vault item in the Search results, and downloaded copies of the attached files.

:two: Troubleshoot:

On your own computer, go to https://vault.bitwarden.com/#/login and attempt to log in. Do you get an error message, and if so, at what exact point in the login process does the error occur (and what is the exact wording of the error message?)?

Is there any chance that you migrated your account from the bitwarden.com cloud to the bitwarden.eu cloud within the past 8 months? (If so, try the same steps given above, but logging in at https://vault.bitwarden.eu instead).

If you get error messages, try clearing the browser cache, and try using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, DuckDuckGo) to access https://vault.bitwarden.com.

Some “generic” troubleshooting steps that you should try for good measure also include rebooting your computer, and updating your web browsers to the most recent versions available (and possibly updating your operating system).

If your situation is not cleared up by the above, then please provide more information about the exact type of device you are using, what operating system you are using (including version), and what browser you are using (including the version number).

:three: Loose Ends:

After you have sorted out your login issue and ensured that you are no longer at risk of losing your vault access, you should create a separate Bitwarden account for yourself (or for your wife). To be compliant with Bitwarden’s Terms of Service, each Bitwarden account login may only be used by one person (i.e., a single login may not be shared by multiple people).

If you and your wife have certain passwords stored in Bitwarden that you share (e.g., a joint bank account, or a shared Netflix account, etc.), then you can set up shared vault items by creating a free “organization” vault. If you need help with this set-up, please let us know.

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