Limitation in Free Teams version

Note: Your question may already be answered in the Bitwarden Help Center.

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My organization wants to move from RoboForm to Bitwarden.
We are at the stage of testing the function such as “Collection”, delegation of permission, file management etc. We are using Teams Free Version and it has so many limitations such as no more than 2 collection creations and many more, may be ( We are knowing the limitation as we are going). There is some typical case scenario which we want to conduct to confirm that Bitwarden is appropriate for us. We are also aware of the fact that we are using free version which has got many limitations, but I was wondering if we have the optimal way of using free version to get to know most of the features.

Thanks in advance

Hi @SRijal - welcome!

You have posted your question to the users community forum. I don’t think the Bitwarden users can help you with this - you should really contact Bitwarden sales directly:


hi @SRijal welcome to the community! the best way to test all the features is the 7 day Teams or Enterprise free trial. if you need any help with that the Business Sales team can assist, as @dh024 suggested.