Inline Autofill: Resizing, Filtering and Customization


The inline autofill feature in Chrome could be greatly improved with two simple customizations:

  1. Allow typing a username to filter vault suggestions as you type, as detailed here: Inline autofill: type to filter - #9 by grb

  2. Allow customization of number of items in the dropdown before overflowing (i.e. show up to 10 items in dropdown before there’s a scrollbar, rather than 3) For example, on this particular site (which happens to be my localhost) I have probably 15 different logins:

Since there are only three shown at a time, and there is no auto-filtering as I type, I have to scroll carefully to find the correct login, which is very annoying. I can’t even scroll quickly because with such a small window it’s easy to scroll past the item I want. Of course the workaround is to right click, and use the context menu to fill the login info, but that’s more clicks and slows me down as well. Additionally using cmd+shift+L to autofill the last used login for the site doesn’t work because I have multiple sites running on localhost on different ports, and if I use cmd+shift+L to fill the last used login for localhost it will autofill the login for localhost:8002 when I’m actually on localhost:8000 and vice versa.

Basically, the inline autofill functionality is a cool feature, and is a good step forward, but limiting it to such a small dropdown size is prohibitive.

Users should be able to customize the number of items shown, or the default should be something larger for users who have many logins to the same site. Additionally, the “Autofill the last used login for this site” should consider the entire site, including the port, and not just the domain name.

I’m open to other suggestions to make this workflow better so please feel free to critique and suggest other options.


Welcome, @ckz8780 to the community!

You might consider using Starts with match detection. Unlike base-domain or hostname, starts-with is willing to match against a port number. This can reduce the size of the list and make cmd-shift-L more practical. It is also possible to repeat cmd-shift-L to cycle through the matches.

Also, it is best that feature requests include only one item, so it is clear what people are voting on. It might be good to edit your suggestion to focus on resizing and refer people to the existing filter request if they wish to vote for that too.

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