Implement or reuse Firefox's or Chromium's login detector to detect and save new login

Feature name

  • Name/Concept of the feature being requested:
    Implement or reuse Firefox’s or Chromium’s login detector to detect and save new login

Feature function

  • What will this feature do differently?
    Implement or Reuse the existing, well tested and well functioning login detection system to detect new or changed login info and ask the user to save the new info.
  • What benefits will this feature bring?
    Smooth and effortless saving of new or changed login info, without any need for manual work by the developer or user. Most importantly, making BitWarden on par with the premium password managers.
  • Popularity for this feature is evident from the large number of issues, forum threads that relate to the problem that this feature aims to resolve.


BitWarden’s login detection and saving functionality is crippled. BitWarden most of the times won’t detect new login info and won’t ask to save it. The workaround for this, disabling and re-enabling login detection system, is itself a bug.

The currently suggested method of overcoming this problem is to either manually copy and paste login info into BitWarden or report the sites which you are trying to use to the developers so that they can add specific fixes for each site.

  • The first approach is simply a security nightmare. Any decent piece of malware or virus will always try to monitor the user’s clipboard for usernames and passwords.
  • The second approach is simply impractical. There are probably infinite number of websites. Adding a specific fix for each website is a futile task. Many of these websites will also be shutdown in the future, but their fix will still remain, which is just wasteful.

Firefox and chromium are well known open source projects. Their built in password detection system works flawlessly across a multitude of websites, and every time ask the user for saving new login info. BitWarden should try to implement or reuse Firefox’s or Chromium’s login detection system, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

P.S. Any feedback on this issue about the possible obstacles, challenges or request for help is appreciated.

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New User can only add upto 2 links
So, here is one link and one link of pastebin having all the issues:

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