I'd love to help improve the UX!

Feature name:

  • UI Mockups/UX Design, starting with browser extensions

Feature Description

Apologies if this is in the wrong place or format - this is my first post on here! I read the about post at the top of this section and it says to tag a moderator to get noticed: @tgreer @kspearrin

To the team at Bitwarden,

First off - I love your project and I’m a massive advocate of Bitwarden as one of the only quality open source password managers out there - I made the switch from Lastpass a couple of years ago and haven’t looked back since.

Today, my friend installed it upon my recommendation and suggested to me that I reach out to help improve the UX! - I’m a designer/developer working at a UK-based branding agency.

So here we are - I knocked up a design for a couple parts of your chrome extension over my lunch break, and I’m just wondering if this might be something I’d be able to contribute to. I’d love to help if I can improve the user experience, and ultimately get more users to choose Bitwarden over competing password managers!

Find the mockup here:

Obviously this is barely anything in terms of the UI, but I hope it gives a good picture of the direction I’d hope to take the design! If you like everything so far I’m more than happy to continue on to mockup the rest of the UI, but I’d like to know this has recieved at least some interest before I invest a lot of my time in designing the rest.

I’ve taken a brief glance at the github repository for your browser extension - I’m familiar with scss but angular is a whole different beast! I’m mainly used to vue and nuxt - so unfortunately I’m not sure how much I’d be able to contribute as far as development is concerned - learning angular is not a massive priority for me right now! However, I would be happy to style it if needed, and also happy to work with any developers that are keen to implement/fork the redesign. Take a look at the mockup and see if you like it. If not, no problem - no offense taken. If you do, let me know what I can do to help the project.

You can drop me an email at [email protected] if you’d like to get in touch for any reason.


Clients / Repos Affected:

  • Browser Extension (primarily)

Timeline to completion (estimate):

  • I’d be able to deliver full mockups for browser extension within next few weeks (before middle of Feb 2022)

HI @thebartyparty thank you for the praise and your mockups.

We’ve got some design updates planned for this year.

Maybe @dflinn could comment on your work.


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Hi @thebartyparty! I like the initial screens you have here. However, priority for for a design update on the extension is unclear at this item. I will let you know when this becomes clearer and if there is anything you can do to contribute to a redesign effort.

Thanks again for the input!


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Thanks for the reply @dflinn - No problem! Really appreciate all the hard work your team puts into this product, the positive and constructive community you’ve built around it, and the open source ethos with which you develop it. All reasons to carry on recommending Bitwarden!

Totally understand that you’ve got more pressing things to deal with, and hopefully I’ll hear from you again if this becomes more of a priority in the future. Once again, feel free to reach out at [email protected] if you’d like to get in touch.
