How do I log into my accounts if I leave Bitwarden?

Take a look at this: Emergency Access | Bitwarden Help & Support

Now that that is out the way some more positive things:
For every account you have stored within Bitwarden you should also save something called an URI.
For websites this is just their web-address. For apps it’s their name.

2 examples:
This is for this forum:


For an app it looks like this:


Once you have done this and you go to the web-site or open up the app and you want to log in in your browser it should look like this: image
This means: Bitwarden has recognized the website and you have 1 account stored for it within Bitwarden.
If you are already on the log-in page you either press Ctrl+Shift+L to add your username and or password or you click onto image and select the account or you right click into the log-in box and make a right click.

You also might want to take a look at this. I showed to someone how to log into this forum using Bitwarden: Saving new sites issue - #16 by Peter_H

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