How can I assign an item to one or more org-collections?

I am able to create an org-collection in my organization by sending something like {‘name’: ‘some/path/deep/down’, ‘organizationId’: ‘123444-1234-2134-123444’, ‘externalId’: None, ‘groups’: []} base64 encoded with “bw create org-collection encodedJson --organizationid orgid”.

I am also able to create an item in that organization.

What how can I assign the item to this or some more org-collections?

  • I tried sending >“collectionIds”: “1234-2134-1234-1234”< in “bw create”/“bw edit” of the item (accepted, but ignored)
  • I tried sending >“collectionIds”: [“1234-2134-1234-1234”]< in the item (accepted, but ignored)
  • I wanted to try “bw share …” but it is deprecated.
  • I tried “bw move id_of_item organizationId encodedJson” with the org-collection list in >encodedJson<. It returns “This item already belongs to an organization.” and ignores the collectionIds :frowning:

How can I assign an item to one or more org-collections?

thanks for help

Finally I’ve found Bitwarden CLI | Bitwarden Help Center with says to use

echo '["5c926f4f-de9c-449b-8d5f-aec1011c48f6"]' | bw encode | bw edit item-collections 28399a57-73a0-45a3-80f8-aec1011c48f6

to edit which collections an item is in.

Why are there multiple names for collections?
I have a collection in the GUI. In CLI I create an org-collection, and than I have to change item-collections.
That’s unintuitive!