Hotkey to vault search field?

Is there a global hotkey to open a BW vault search?

If not; what is the fastest way to search the vault for a login?


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Assuming you’re using the browser extension, I believe the fastest way is to open the extension popup and use the search bar there.

Edit: Have you tried Ctrl + Shift + Y? I don’t usually use hotkeys with Bitwarden, and I can’t try it out right now.

Thanks; do you know if there is one you can use outside of the browser? Thanks for any suggestions.

Not that I’m aware of.

To confirm, you’re looking for a hotkey that will open up your vault, in the browser extension, or in the desktop app?

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In the interest of the main goal of logging into things quickly I’m looking for:
1: The ability to hit the hotkey from anywhere in windows ( browser can be closed ) to display the vault search field.
2: Ability to search ( aka Fuzzy Search ) for parts of the login/account name ( handy when you have several logins with similar names ) and not have to have the exact order of the name to display a result ( like Everything Search does )
3: After resulting login/account is displayed and clicked on the site should be opened, login fields filled, and auto submitted ( like roboform ) .

Thanks for any tips or suggestions.

Thank you! Yes, CTRL + SHIFT + Y works! Here is a link to hotkeys in the documentation. :slight_smile:

I’ve got workaround to add global hotkey for macOS Desktop app with Hammerspoon (

Lua script:

-- file: ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
-- Bring Bitwarden to front and focus on the search field
-- Required accessability to be enabled in Hammerspoon & System preferences
function launch_bitwarden_search()
    local app = hs.appfinder.appFromName("Bitwarden")
    if (app ~= nil) then
        local activated = app:activate(true)
        if (activated) then
            -- for Dock icon mode
            app:selectMenuItem({"View", "Search vault"})
            -- for menubar item mode
            hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd"}, "f")
  "😕 Unable to activate Bitwarden app")
    else"😕 Bitwarden app not found")
hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt"}, '\\', launch_bitwarden_search)
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If you have the Bitwarden for Windows app installed, you can set a custom global hotkey to access it.

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