Hopelessly Lost Creating a New Web Account

I like Bitwarden. The app works fine after I create an entry. I am totally lost in cyberspace trying to create a new account at a new website. I try setting up a new website account with my new username, then I switch from Safari (iPhone) to Bitwarden, then click on the PLUS sign to create a new account, then click on “Create a new password” which I then copy and paste into the Safari website, then go back to Bitwarden again to save the entry. ----- There must be a better way to do this. Bitwarden continually yanks on me to “Use the Auto-Fill feature” but I cannot for the life of me do this. Thanks in advance.

You’ve come from LastPass? The workflow is different and took me some time to adjust to. It’s also not as fluid, by design, as Bitwarden doesn’t leave your vault login urls in plain text.

I’m having trouble following your workflow. One approach is simply this:

  1. unlock vault extension while on site you want to save
  2. Click “+” sign in upper-right corner.
  3. fill in your username
  4. generate and password > “select”
  5. save
  6. copy the password you have just saved into the web account create New Password fields
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Using auto-fill for this last step is safer and more convenient, but since OP is having trouble with auto-fill, the above would be an OK work-around until the auto-fill issue is resolved.

That is the workflow process for creating a new account at a new website. It seems to be complicated. Is there a way to tell Bitwarden that I am setting up a new account online with new username, pass, and URL?

I find it much easier to create a Bitwarden login for a website using my computer instead of my phone. I pop out the Browser Extension to a new window so that I can easily move back and forth between the website and the Extension.

The answer is sort of. There is an option that Bitwarden can pop up to save a new password and website. However, in my experience, it only works some of the time. You can see more about this if you scroll down to the Tip in the following link:

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It might seem so by reading the step-by-step instructions typed out as a list, but it really is quite easy if you give it a try. It’s basically one click, type your username, five quick clicks, and then submit the registration form.

@222 Sorry for necro-posting but this is exactly my question. I’m the “IT Guy” for my extended family. I use BitWarden myself, and I am seeking the minimal set of “always work, never fail” steps that I can recommend to my friends and relations.

I’m focused on iOS: I have already installed the BW extension in the iPhone/iPad browser. (I’m prepared to perform this one-time hand-holding tech support. But then I want my family to be able to do the rest on their own.)

I’m stuck at the first step. Here’s what I see:

  • Go to the foo.com site and it says, “Create a new account”.
  • Click the link and the page shows the typical name, email, password, etc. fields.

The next step in your instructions says, “unlock vault extension” - how do I do that? How do I navigate to BitWarden from the browser page?

Thanks for your help.

Use the App Switcher feature of the iPhone. Grab the white line at the bottom of the screen of the iPhone or iPad. Quickly flick it upward. You are then on the Home Screen. Select Bitwarden. To return to your browser, use the app switcher again.