Help - Changed Iterations and can not log back in?

Hi - I can not for the life of me get the downloaded web page to run on my PC at home, it works on the page online, I download it from both Chrome and Firefox and it will not show any changes to any of the values for whatever reason. I thought I got it working at work and will double check when I go in this afternoon.

Also Support responded to my inquiry on Sunday morning at 09:24am EST, I replied back with the info they asked for at 10:18am and haven’t heard anything since then.

I am more than willing to help as it seems like others are having the same or similar issues but I will need to get a vault up and running soon as I can not wait many more days without having easy access to my passwords. I know I could create a new account with a new e-mail but don’t want to do that at this point.

That said once I delete my Vault I assume I just create a new one using whatever Master Password I want?

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