Help - Changed Iterations and can not log back in?

My question is really for future reference, since I have a backup being done daily on both my work and home PC that I can roll back version of files I was wondering if this would be a good “backup” solution just in case something happens again down the road. I have the app on my home PC but since I had to import my Last Pass Vault from the Web and got the Chrome Extension I haven’t really used the app at all so if there was a way to pull it out of the extension that would be ideal otherwise I will have to make backups of the Vault manually or at least log in to the app occasionally.

I was able to export my vault as mentioned but it seems like being able to get the secure version of the file gives more info such as dates?

Finally yes I followed the directions provided, I could only get the Hash generator to work on Firefox, chrome wouldn’t do anything with it. I did change that value from “1” to “2” and confirmed that it saved properly. Putting in my Known Master that worked on my home system (before reconnecting to the Internet) did not give me the same hash that I have in both log files from my Work and Home PCs and worked on my home one before reconnecting back to the Internet.