HACKTOBERFEST IS OPEN! Submit a project for Passwordless.dev for a chance to win!

Bitwarden is happy to announce the Passwordless.dev Hacktoberfest 2023 Event!

If you haven’t participated in a Hacktoberfest event before, it’s a month-long event that encourages people to contribute to open source projects. You can learn more about Hacktoberfest here.

Who can join

Any developer, regardless of programming language or knowledge about passkeys - is welcome to join our hackathon to build new or improve existing projects, helping the world be more secure by adding passkey support.

We’ll be awarding prizes to the top 3 projects that meet the criteria below:

  • The project must be open source and hosted on GitHub or Gitlab.
  • The project must use Bitwarden Passwordless.dev.
  • The project must be submitted by October 31st, 2023.

How to participate in the event

  1. Create a (Free) Bitwarden Passwordless.dev organization. You can follow the Getting started guide on our docs - https://docs.passwordless.dev
  2. Create a new project (or tweak an existing one!) and incorporate Passwordless.dev for authentication - use the challenges below as an inspiration!
  3. Submit a link to your project to this thread by October 31st, 2023. You can also share your project on social media using the hashtag #BitwardenHacktoberfest. However, the project must be submitted to the aforementioned thread to be eligible for prizes.


  • 1st place: $1000
  • 2nd place: $500
  • 3rd place: $250


Here are some challenges to help you get started!

Challenge 1: Add Passkey support using the Passwordless.dev API in an existing project

Add Passwordless.dev to help secure an existing project or platform, e.g. Wordpress plugin, Umbraco, a community project or your personal site.

Challenge 2: Build an SDK in your programming language or framework

Make passwordless authentication possible and easy to use in your favorite ecosystem. We’ve written community guidelines for creating a new sdk in the passwordless/create-a-sdk repo

Look at the official repo’s for a reference implementation:

Challenge 3: Community Engagement

Contribute to the community by creating tutorials, blog posts, or videos showcasing the use of Passwordless.dev.

Actively participate in the hackathon forum to assist other participants with their challenges.

Share your experiences and insights on social media to promote the hackathon and its goals.

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Anders Åberg

Director of Passwordless @ Bitwarden

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Hey Passwordless team,
I am trying to build an SDK for for GoLang.

GoLang is becoming a very popular backend development language nowadays, and I did not see any community project sdk for it yet. So as per this challenge, I thought of implementing one.

Progress so far in this repo GitHub - AJAYK-01/passwordless-go: Passwordless.dev sdk library for Go 🚀

However, as mentioned in the instructions of create-a-sdk, I am stuck in figuring out the testing automation bit for quality. I am new to developing packages, and would like to have some assistance from the team regarding what to implement for this scenario.

Thanks and regards,
Ajay Krishna K V

Hey team,

I was planning to create the SDK in Java, but I came across the community project for Java SDK in WIP state. Does the SDK problem statement consider only those languages for which there are no community SDKs? Or does the hackathon consider contributions irrespective of the existing implementations?

@sanjanarjn Hey, I’d say the community benefit of additional SDK’s in the same language is perhaps limited. The hackathon may consider additional implementations, if they provide a significant different value than existing implementations.

This was also filed as an issue and we discussed there.

For transparency, my recommendation is to look at the existing packages (e.g. passwordless-dotnet, passwordless-java) and use the same type of testing.

could you link the issue please? also i did not find any tests in passwordless-nodejs
https://github.com/passwordless/passwordless-nodejs/blob/main/tests/Converters.test.ts this file was there, but it didn’t look like code for a test for the sdk…??

Hey @ajayk, you’re correct that the nodejs sdk currently lacks a test suite.

Please see the dotnet/java SDK’s for inspiration.

dotnet: https://github.com/passwordless/passwordless-dotnet/tree/main/tests
java: https://github.com/passwordless/passwordless-java/tree/main/src/test

Hey @andersaberg, I was going through the passwordless-java sdk tests, and I see that wiremock is used to mock api.
If possible, can I have the mock api that is used so that I don’t have to create one?

I don’t see any public links but it looks like the mock api is run locally as per below line.

My current test suite in passwordless-go already tests for possible errors, and having this mock api would complete it!
Also it’d be great if the challenge could be extended for a few more days…

Also my previous post containing the link to my project seems to be deleted, describing it as promotional by a flag, so please let me know how else to submit it?

@ajayk that’s surprising - definitely a misstake, could you send me a DM with the link so I can look into it?

Regarding mock API.
We don’t have one - yet.
I think the tests used a server that was running a local version of passwordless/passwordless-server.
We’re currently in the progress of improving self-hosting using a docker container, but you can clone the passwordless-server and start it locally. It’s not trivially easy - and we are working to improve it - but there are some readme instructions how to go about it.


I want to participate in the challenge with my SDK in the Rust programming language. I used the official Python SDK as a reference for the examples.

Thanks @andersaberg the deleted posts containing my link to project seem to have been unflagged. Also since you mentioned there is no mock api, i have just configured the tests to use the hosted passwordless api.
And also with regard to cd for the sdk, pkg.go.dev automatically identifies new releases in the repo without having to actively run a cd

Integrated the passwordless.dev into a Spring boot component as a request filter. The using applications can turn the filter on for specific critical endpoints which needs passkey based authentication.

Github link - GitHub - sanjanarjn/spring-boot-starter-passwordless

Hey @andersaberg are the winners announced?

@bw-admin any update?

Hey @ajayk,
Sorry about the delay here, we haven’t announced the winner yet but it’s coming! Stay tuned.

Hey @andersaberg @bw-admin, when will winners be announced?

Reposting, Winners were announced in this thread: Passwordless.dev Hackathon Winners Announcement!