Further Emergency Access Settings Customization

Feature name

  • Further Emergency Access Settings Customization

Feature function

  • Allow defining the wait time as a period longer than 90 days
  • Granular access controls, i.e. only allow view or takeover access of particular folders or login entries, not the entire vault
  • Ability to receive emergency access takeover notifications to secondary email address

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Adding the ability to limit the take-over to certain folders would be a huge increase to both their feature’s functionality and it’s security.

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This feature request needs more visibility, especially the granular access controls are needed.

We need a way to exclude/hide all our porn credentials from the emergency access! :rofl:

Also once emergency access is set up, it should be possible to adjust the waiting period without doing the 3-step process. There is no visibility on what the waiting period is for a given emergency contact. …Can we currently use the same trusted email twice? Meaning one waiting period for Takeover access, and another waiting period for View access?