✅ Automatically Select Biometrics for Unlocking when available

I think your #3 (autofill shortcut opening extension) has at least 5 related feature requests: 1494, 5953, 8544, 9553, and 12409

Along with an old GitHub issue and PR:

GitHub Links

[Feature Request] Open popup when autofilling using shortcut and vault is locked · Issue #433 · bitwarden/browser · GitHub

WIP: Open the popup when keybinding fails due to locked vault by stefanmaric · Pull Request #987 · bitwarden/browser · GitHub

The actual feature may also depend on the state of Chromium’s browserAction.openPopup API. The related Chromium issue has been around for over 6 years, but I think they have enabled part of the API with an allowlist.

The above GitHub PR mentioned the API was working, but I haven’t tried it out myself.

Related Mozilla docs: browserAction.openPopup() - Mozilla | MDN

For #1, I also see behavior on macOS boot, so having the option to enable/disable the biometric request on boot would be good across platforms. Renaming feature request to not sound like Windows-specific feature could get more views/votes.

I think this initial unlock request is done inside bitwarden/jslib for Windows and macOS.

#2 is what I would like to see added most since it has the most noticeable impact on my general usage of Bitwarden.

I think adding a conditional call to unlockBiometric() inside the ngOnInit of a component like LockComponent could deal with this. Probably will need a corresponding extension option to enable/disable setting.

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