Email Notifications When Logging In to Bitwarden

Thank you, GRB,

In common parlance, “let me circle back to you on that.”

I don’t have any screenshots, and I’ll have to refamiliarize myself on how to do screenshots with Windows 10. I don’t even have any of the dozen emails that I’ve gotten after I log on with my same desktop PC using the same Chrome browser.
I really hate to keep writing books every time I have a computer problem, but I realize, that if I stated the issue more succinctly, I wouldn’t have to.
But, in answering some of your questions, I only have one account. That would be really inappropriate for me to have more than one. I have enough of a hard time organizing all my passwords with just one account. I did download the Bitwarden app on my PC, but I haven’t really taken a look at that yet. I don’t think I’ve downloaded it on my cell yet.
My email changes seem to occur after I entered some new login sites into Bitwarden. Bitwarden seems to populate my ‘remembered email address’ from other information I’m typing into the ‘vault’.
I will forward you some of my emails that I get. Yeah, it may be a cookie issue. I’ll look into that.