Duplicate removal tool/report (including merge)

We either need a smoother sync with Google Passwords, or this feature, very, very badly.

I have added code for vault cleanup in web project. Run the web project with ENV=“cloud”. Tools → Cleanup.

code at GitHub - bogusfocused/web: The website vault (vault.bitwarden.com).

Backup before doing this !!!

Report to github issues.

Hi @bogusfocused thank you for the contribution.

I suggest you create a post under the GitHub Contributions category explaining the goal of your changes (with possibly an example case) and also open a PR in the Bitwarden Web Vault repo. The team and community members can discuss if this feature should be included. If that is the case, the team can review the PR before merging.

Kind Regards,

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Hi, thanks for this awesome service, I quite like using it.

Now to the point. It seems that I have the same password for four times (possibly due to importing multiple times to add the new passwords) in my vault. So around 0.5k passwords became around 2k passwords, which is not only clutter but also lags the android app.

So, I’d like a feature to DeDuplicate my vault to remove all identical passwords and also not add them when importing if they’re identical in the first place.

Any update? I would definitely buy premium if it was implemented.

+1 on the feature request! I’ve imported both from lastpass and google-chrome and now everything is duplicated.

This is must have feature. Specially if you are migrating from other password managers

My easy work around for this was to export my vault as a .csv file, open in Google Sheets / MS Excel, then using sorting identify records I wanted to delete or merge.

FWIW :slight_smile:

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Add duplicate login/entries remover. This will help ward off having duplicate(the same username/password combination) login for a website.

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Add duplicate login/entries remover, please. I just imported LastPass and Google, so there are a lot of dups. Thanks, everyone!

@go12 @kspearrin Hey Bitwarden! It looks like this feature has been requested since 2018 by hundred of users, along with probably thousands who do not take the time to waste on these feature requests (I can understand if such a major issue like this one has not been addressed since 2018).

Has this feature been rejected by dev? Can we get any feedback? I pay for Bitwarden and things like this make me consider other options… Communicate… communicate… communicate!!


Thanks for your feedback @bcsanford. Bitwarden and the team behind it are growing and evolving, and although this feature is not currently on our high-level 2022 Roadmap, we do consider all feedback.

Implementing new features in Bitwarden is a balancing act between serving our individual users and families, teams and enterprise, and MSPs. We have implemented many suggestions over the years and will continue to do so wherever possible.

Bitwarden is also open source and built with the help of community code contributions.

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I also am upvoting this. A de-dupe tool is pretty common with BitWarden’s competitors. Seems strange not to have it.


wow im gonna to try that too thanks for the idea

i really hope this feature will done please

I guess we start looking for a different alternative. 4 years in, and no sign of this even being put in the pipeline.

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Hey @bogusfocused if you’re still interested, you can follow the steps below and the team can review your proposal :+1:

I suggest you create a post under the GitHub Contributions category explaining the goal of your changes (with possibly an example case) and also open a PR in the Bitwarden Web Vault repo . The team and community members can discuss if this feature should be included. If that is the case, the team can review the PR before merging.

Wow, this has been asked for a long time, coming to bitwarden I really expected this to be available and easy. Dissapointing.


Am coming from 1password, for many good reasons… but, I was thinking that dedup was a trivial features and I didnt verify…
Now… I have a lot… too much duplicates
So I NEED this remove duplicate

Please, please, please dont let me go away…
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
(for all my family)


Как удалить около 1000 дублированных паролей?

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