Do you use password strength indicators? Complete this survey!

That’s quite an understatement. The key value proposition of using a password manager is that it frees you from the constraint of having to remember passwords, thus opening up the ability to use random passwords.

A serious password manager should have a natural and simple work flow for creating random passwords, and put up barriers that discourage users from using anything but randomly generated passwords.

For example, when creating a new login item, the password field should pre-populate with a randomly generated password. There could be a button (similar to the current :arrows_counterclockwise: icon) to allow you to adjust the generator settings, but if you’re happy with the default settings, then no user interaction should be required to create a password. Conversely, the password field could have a :pencil2: button/icon for editing the password, which should first pop up a modal that warns the user (“Are you sure that you want to manually edit the random password? Manually edited passwords tend to be weak.”), forcing the user to click Yes before they are allowed to store a non-random password in Bitwarden.