Disable new logon prompt for some websites

Using Firefox 129.0.2 on Win 10.

Websites like the Guardian have a signup field for their newsletter on every page of their website. The Bitwarden ‘Add new’ popup/dropdown now (I don;t think it used to do this in the past) comes up every time I scroll over one of these newsletter-signup fields, getting in the way of reading the actual website.

Is there a way, when this popup comes up for the first time, for me to just click something that will disable it for that field, forever. Ideally, this needs to be smart enough to differentiate that the normal logon/password field for the website still works (so I still logon to The Guardian in my example), with that username and password stored in BitWarden, but just to never popup for the newsletter field.


No, there isn’t anything so smart or fine-grained at the moment. The inline autofill can be set to either on or off, but you can still use other ways to autofill credentials.

To turn it off:

Settings → Autofill → Show autofill menu on form fields → Off

With this turned off, you can still use “Ctrl-Shift-L” to cycle through your credential quickly (or use the Bitwarden extension icon).

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