Detached window : site address

… maybe not the answer you want to hear, but if auto-fill for the current site is that important to you, you probably should stop to pop out the extension window (at least for that usecase). :man_shrugging:

If you look at the address “on SSD,” you’ll see a list of files of only three types: .html, .css, and .js — that’s it. BW is a regular page that uses a “mobile layout” because of its format. The BW extension is not much different from the site we are on now. If it’s a page, then all the power of JavaScript is at your disposal. I’ll try to explain briefly using JS.
Currently, the window opens like this:

Function NewWindow () {...}

But I’m asking to implement it as:

Function NewWindow (address) {... }.

That’s all. Right now, the entire BW is marked up with HTML, styled with CSS, and enhanced with JS. Is it really possible that native JS functions like Function … (address) {…} are unclear for JS ?

Okay, but then you would have to open a feature request about that.

I must say, I lack the technical knowledge here. Maybe someone who can assess that better, can chime in here. Or someone from Bitwarden itself. (@dwbit ?!)

Though my hunch would be: if it was that simple, it probably would long have been implemented. :thinking:

PS: If you want to open a feature request, you can also go with “+ New Topic” and then choose “Feature Request - Password Manager” in the dropdown:

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I think I somewhat understand this issue. Yes, when the “pop out to a new window” is clicked on, the window is not related to the current browser web site. It is like clicking on the browser BW icon when a new tab is selected without a login. If I want the window to show the login information on a current web site, I just type a few characters in it’s search box and the login information appears, simple and easy.

I use the “pop out to a new window” when I want to keep the needed information available to copy and paste, such as from a secure note. This works fine with the exception that the window does not remain on top of the browser window when I click on anything in the browser window. This is a function of Windows, not BW. I can resize my browser window and move it to the left so both windows are always visible but it would be nice if the pop out window would float on top of the browser window. I use a little utility program called “DeskPins” to pin the pop out window so that it does not hide behind the browser window. This works very well when needed. I find this little utility helpful for other times when I want a window to stay visible as well. Pin it to the Start menu, or the taskbar for easy access.

So if someone votes to support this feature request topic, what exactly are they voting for?

serega_da : “Detached window : site address”.
GeoJ: “Yes, when the “pop out to a new window” is clicked on, the window is not related to the current browser web site”
grb: “what exactly are they voting for ?”

The only feature I suggest is to enable the “pop out to a new window” to float on top of the browser window to keep both windows visible. Like I stated, I have a work around to make that happen using DeskPins.

Would it make more sense if the title were: “Add autofill suggestions to pop-out vault window”?

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What I’m asking for is currently missing from BW. It’s underlined in green line on my first picture on the left. And missing on the right.
The website address should be inside BW, even if it’s not on the picture.

The website address there is Is that really the address you want?

PS: Sorry, my mistake here - I confused the website address with this address, Vivaldi shows in the extension (screenshot I posted before):

… And we had that in our discussion: Vivaldi shows that address the extensions address in the popped-out extension window. But still doesn’t have the full auto-fill functionality.

So again: if you would get that address, but not a working auto-fill for “the website” - would that be what you want?

@serega_da … I see that you hearted this comment. Would you like me to change the topic title for you?

I didn’t think that such a simple feature request would turn into such a long discussion. Everyone brings suggestions to my topic that only lead it astray.

Why should I explain how BW works?

Who was the first to write “AutoFill” here? It wasn’t me.
“AutoFill” works great, and my feature request doesn’t concern it.

If you want to confuse everyone completely, you can change my topic as you like. Only the topic author is talking about the Site Address, not about “AutoFill”. These are different things.

If you suggest changing my topic, then something is unclear to you again. Have you read this topic? Once is enough. Then don’t visit this topic and leave it for the developers as is.

I am the topic author, and I am talking about passing the site address to the detached window, not about “AutoFill”.

Explanation: any site can be in place of Or are you suggesting that I advertise some other site besides

yes, I see my heart. It is placed under the impression, that you are the first person who understands my proposal.
My heart did not relate to “autofill”, but rather to “suggestions”.
It is on the basis of the site address, that the login card is raised up, i.e. “suggestions” to the user of his login for a specific site.
After the login card is found, the following mechanism is turned on - “autofill”, which works great.
Do not touch “autofill”, otherwise you will break it.

The only thing you can remove from this topic – is my heart.

The whole point of this topic is condensed in the last line of the first post. The rest can be ignored.