Deleting a folder from an organization also deletes it in my vault


Today I wanted to move an item placed in a folder to my organization. This worked fine and it appeared in a new folder with the same name in the organization.

Since a folder for a single item is overkill, I assigned it to “No folder” and deleted the now empty folder.

To my surprise, this also removed the same folder in my private vault. Fortunately the entries there were not deleted but only unassigned from any folder.

According to the very similar topic Deleting folder in my vault also deletes from organisation the recommended approach is to use collections instead of folders.

So now I have two questions:

  1. What is the correct way to perform those actions? Should I remember to move the item out of any folder before placing it in the organization?
  2. Will the deletion of the organization folder have any effect on folders in other user’s private vault? I hope that this is impossible because of the limited access.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Deleting folder in my vault also deletes from organisation