Dataimport from stickypassword

Hey there

I need your kind suppport with importing data from stickypassword.
Importing passwords works like a charme, but it´s impossible to import bookmarks or secure notices from stickypassword.
I´ve a livetime licence in stickypassword - so I dont need a quick solution.
But if there is none, I´ll skip bitwarden so far.

@WKB Welcome to the forum.

This may be possible, but it will not be easy, because StickyPassword evidently does not allow for exporting data in a standard format like .csv.

You may be able to manually process a .txt file export to change it into a properly conditioned .csv file. Doing so would be easier if you create separate export files for the bookmarks and the secure notes. If you wish to attempt this, please post a sample of the data format contained in the exported text files (after redacting any sensitive information). I will need this to come up with a strategy for reformatting into a .csv structure.

An alternative approach might be to use the mrc-converter-suite tool that was created by a 1Password community forum moderator; this tool is supposedly able to convert directly from the StickyPassword .spdb into various other file formats, including .csv. However, this is a command-line tool, so it may be intimidating for someone not used to working with such tools. There is help documentation, though, and even a Dropbox folder with example videos.