Consistent behaviour on clicking a listed item in vault

I used my last remaining vote on this Feature Request. After 6 months of using the Bitwarden browser extension, I still never remember whether clicking the item will auto-fill or open the item (and I even have trouble interpreting the whether the “card” icon in the Tab view means “auto-fill”, “open”, or “edit”). I have to wait for the tool-tip almost every time. Those who read my posts on the forum will know that I generally know my way around the Bitwarden software, so it seems reasonable to attribute this recalcitrant usability problem to sub-optimal UX design.

I wish that the Bitwarden team would be as responsive (or more) to complaints about UX design as they have been for complaints about GUI design. The GUI-focused users got their rounded corners and their extra padding — could the UX-focused users now also be thrown a bone, please?

The key confusion is that the action of clicking the item name produces different actions depending on whether you are in the Tab View or in the Vault (or Search Results) view. The action should be identical each time (and as noted above, it probably makes most sense if that action is to open the item for viewing). Thus, on the tab view, an “Auto-fill” icon is needed (in place of the inscrutable card-shaped “Open” icon). If this icon is sufficiently visually distinct from the “Launch” icon, then it may not be a problem that the first icon is different in the Tab and Vault views (if UX studies show otherwise, then add a 5th icon, and gray out the one that is not active).

I do not agree with the proposal to eliminate the Tab view. This would add additional steps for auto-filling credit card and identity information — since there is currently no keyboard shortcut for auto-filling credit cards, removal of the Tab view would significantly degrade UX for this use-case.

There are other examples in the Bitwarden browser extension where inconsistent UX behavior causes problems and confusion (e.g., the buttons in the upper left and right corners) — but those may be a topic for another Feature Request thread. The bottom line is that imposing consistency across the browser extension user interface, which should be guided by quantitative studies of real users interacting with the software and by the UX design literature, is a great unmet need in this otherwise excellent software product.

I would even go so far as to propose temporarily re-enabling usage analytics (on an opt-in basis, of course).