Chrome Android filling fields incorrectly

When I go to Error with BW 2.9/Chrome 89/Android 10, BW fills three fields:

  • it fills the Email field at the top with my email
  • it fills the Password field at the top with my email
  • it fills the Email Address field at the bottom with my password

It works fine on Windows 10/Chrome, and it even works on Windows 10 when I use Chrome’s developer tools to simulate a mobile environment.
I have tried all kinds of permutations of custom fields and I can get it to fill the first two fields with my email in both and then not fill the third field. I can also get it to fill the first two fields with my password in both. But in no case have I been able to get it to fill the first field with my email and the second field with my password.
Any tips/suggestions?

I tried some things but I unfortunately have to confirm this issue. They are doing weird stuff on their website.