Change Default Search to Wildcard Rather Than Exact Match

Is this on I pushed an update with some improvements.

For example: “customerXYZ beta” should now work since it will wildcard all words of the search query individually, instead of the entire query as a whole.

Can you refresh and try now?


Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately this doesn’t really help with the results. This seems to be an “OR” search operation now, since the results also include “beta” entries of other customers (not only customerXYZ).

No, we use a self-hosted instance - However, I just pre-/appended the asteriks to reproduce the new behaviour.

Is there a way to have a “AND” search operation like this rather than “OR” by default?

What is the subtitle field, please?

Thanks to @vincentsalucci for the help on this one :slight_smile:

Subtitles are generated off existing data, per item type:

  • Login -> username
  • Secure Note -> null
  • Card -> Brand and/or Last 4 of card number (5 for amex)
  • Identity -> First and/or Last name

Thanks for getting back at me so fast!

“Secure Note -> null”
Does that mean no information from secure notes is used?

No problem!

Re: secure notes, it just means there is no subtitle property, but the note is searched.

Got it. You guys rock!

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