Customizable vault item templates

This would be very helpful. I can think of a dozen custom items I’d like to create. The custom items would need to be shareable in a Bitwarden Organization so that other users can view them correctly.

Yes to this!

As a new converted Lastpass user after new policies and immediately paid for the Bitwarden Family to support Bitwarden development, I find that building my own custom item types is one of the features I miss the most

Please Bitwarden, make this happen.

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Please add this!
I miss this feature after leaving 1Password.

Please! While I would really appreciate any advances to having defined secure notes, the ability to create ones own templates for them would be a huge advantage and propel Bitwarden past its competitors. I’ve recently switched to Bitwarden’s personal organization from LastPass for Families and I miss more defined notes.

The workaround I use for having my own templates is this:

  • Create a folder called Templates

  • Create a new item with custom fields that I want (for example, for a software license or bank account)

  • Save that new item in Templates folder along with other templates (items I customize)

Then anytime I want to create a new record of that “type”, I use the Clone function (right click in the Windows app on the “template” I created) within Bitwarden to clone that particular template and just rename it as required and change the folder to not save it in Templates but in the location where I want it.

This was a huge sticking point for me at first (the lack of pre-built templates) as I did not want to have to create new fields for software licenses every time I added a new one. Now, it’s a very quick Clone step and then I have what I need.


Why isn’t this already done. Bitwarden is really good but limited types suck!

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Hi Neil, thanks for the support! The team is hard at work on the 2022 roadmap which includes introducing additional item types, with customizable templates on the radar for future implementation.


Low Hanging Fruit

If Bitwarden supports a particular field type like Notes, it should be available when adding a custom field.

Feature name

  • All field types available in a custom field

Feature function

  • Allow users full functionality comparable to built-in field types
  • Parity with 1Password
  • All clients should support this

Related topics + references

Hi, das mit den vorgefertigten TYP funktioniert nicht! In SaveInCloud kann ich beliebig viele Typen anlegen. Das kann demzufolge nicht unmöglich sein - auch nicht über eine lange Zeit ziehen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Matthias

Any news about this? Some of us REALLY need this feature. Thanks!

Thanks for checking in @Razva we’ll share information as it becomes available :+1:

It’d be nice to be able to create our custom categories like Passport, ID, etc. Where we can define the fields and re-use the templates. Thanks for your great work!

if you found this feature request and want to promote it, please do so by adding your votes and comments or discussion to the topic linked above.

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I want to save pin codes for phone sim-cards but there is no appropriate category to store it in.

I only just started using Bitwarden as I want to move away from closed-source solutions. Cheers for the work!

I see that it has only 4 types (login, card, identity, secure note) which seems rather limited.

Could you allow the user to define a custom type? Think schema.

Is there a way I could achieve that myself now?


Check out this request as it looks like someone has already started a thread for this feature.

Indeed. I noticed it only after I posted (upvoted it), despite searching in advance.

I understand many posts relate to creating different custom types of items, however it would be handy in my case to be able to set custom fields that are automatically applied to any given type.

For instance, for privacy purpose I like to keep track of which sites I give out my physical address to, using a boleean custom field – but until now, I have to create the custom field every time instead of just ticking the box or leaving it empty.

I’m surprised this doesn’t exist yet – maybe it does and I’m just bad at looking (or I’m completely misusing BW…).

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I guess you are talking about having custom templates or custom items. I would also like to see this feature. It would be really handy.

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Yes, although I’ve seen some earlier posts and it seemed it was technically complicated to implement if it meant creating new types/items. I was more thinking of a “set as default” option for custom fields which I guess could be more simple?

Aside from the “classification” use I mentioned in my original post which is not necessarily how BW is meant to be used, I often find myself creating a custom field for “Email” because it is different thant the Username, or vice versa. A bit tedious!

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