In Free / Open Source these are not mutually exclusive - they can happen at the same time. Developers who are getting paid via enterprise licenses can work on what the enterprise customers want, and freelance developers and everyone else can earn money from bounties placed by the community.
The only potential blocker is how many / which pull requests the maintainers of the codebase are willing to review and merge. But I’d be pretty astonished if they rejected community-funded enhancements which met a decent level of quality; if they did, this would send a very bad message out to the community and risk causing hard-forks of the project.
There is some precedent for this kind of behaviour being partially tolerated in Open Core projects such as GitLab, but if it happens too much then it typically tips the community over the edge (e.g. see the history behind LibreOffice vs. OpenOffice, or MariaDB vs. MySQL - incidentally both triggered by bad behaviour at Oracle).