I encountered this strange issue yesterday: when I try to log into https://account.mycommerce.com/, it only fills in the password and doesn’t populate the username field. I tried many times, I deleted and recreated the password in BW, I’ve also attempted to use the custom field “UserName,” but that hasn’t resolved the issue either.
I’ve been using BW for 2 years, never encountered this, there is something on this specific website that doesn’t tell BW that this field is fillable.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a specific setting or workaround that I can try to make it recognize the username field correctly? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am able to replicate this issue, and it seems to be due to the way the login form has been coded. The best you can do is to file an Autofill Failure Report using the form linked below, and hope that Bitwarden devs come up with a solution at some point:
If you have previously ordered from this site and have an Order ID, then you can set up two custom fields:
Boolean field, name: OrderIdLogin, value:
Text field, name: OrderId, value: Order ID for one of your orders.
If you autofill twice (or if you manually check the box for “Log in with order number and password”, and then autofill just once), then you should be able to log in.