Bitwarden Browser Extension UI Design Refresh - Early Preview Now Available

I don’t know if this also part of the new design changes or for other reasons, but that post from @grb right now: Has Bitwarden lost all in-house expertise on entropy/password strength? reminded me of two other things for the generator:

  1. Though it may be problematic, if people “manipulate” too much with the password/passphrase settings, it is at least inconsistent with the “numbers” and “special characters” settings in the password section, that with passphrases, you can’t choose the number of numbers:

It seems, it is always just one number that get’s added by that option. (though it says “Ziffern” which implies the plural - but that may be a result of the translation into German?!).

I would like to choose more than one number. (and yeah, I know, that “complexity” is not recommended with passphrases, but more flexibility - and consistency with the password section, would be nice)

But - if you really want it to be only one number in any given case - than at least remove the plural. :sweat_smile:

  1. Similar thing with the username section - but here it is even more plausible, being able to choose more than one number (until recently, the default was four numbers, I guess - what happened to that?), because a practical problem can be that such usernames with only one number may already be used by another person:

Here for comparison the password section again, where the “numbers” can be chosen: