API bitwarden RDM

I using Remote Desktop Manager with Bitwarden. Until recently everything worked. After, i and my colleagues have trouble authorization in application rdm.
Server does not accept login.
Description erorr in next
“PasswordManagerAccess.Common.InternalErrorException: Server responded with an error: ‘Auth-Email header invalid.’
в PasswordManagerAccess.Bitwarden.Client.RequestAuthToken(String username, Byte[] passwordHash, String deviceId, SecondFactorOptions secondFactorOptions, RestClient rest)
в PasswordManagerAccess.Bitwarden.Client.Login(String username, Byte[] passwordHash, String deviceId, IUi ui, ISecureStorage storage, RestClient rest)
в PasswordManagerAccess.Bitwarden.Client.OpenVault(String username, String password, String deviceId, String baseUrl, IUi ui, ISecureStorage storage, IRestTransport transport)
в PasswordManagerAccess.Bitwarden.Vault.Open(String username, String password, String deviceId, String baseUrl, IUi ui, ISecureStorage storage)
в Devolutions.RemoteDesktopManager.Managers.BitwardenManager.c2b5cd6838c9b19c2e1e62f246f08131c.c5dd20686dcb6fc762f9a873101f19386()”

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Hi @Alexeyp280296 this is an upstream issue with Devolutions RDM. Per this post on their forums, they are aware of the problem. They were also able to reproduce it and I’m assuming they’ll have a fix for it soon.

Kind Regards,