Allow Folder to be Indexed and included in Search Query

Feature name

Include the Folder field to Search Index List so it’s useable in Search Query

Currently, here is the list of Indexed Fields that searchable:

  • shortid - First 8 characters of the item’s id.
  • organizationid - Id of the item’s organization (if it belongs to one).
  • name
  • subtitle - Login username, card brand + last four, and identity name.
  • notes
  • fields - Name and value. Only “text” type field values are included.
  • attachments - File name
  • login.username
  • login.uris - Only the URI’s hostname value.

List is taken from Search your Vault | Bitwarden Help Center

In the list, we even have Attachments, Custom Fields Content, and Notes, but no Folder.

Feature function

  • Allows to isolate the folder/folders we want to search
  • Make the “Search” faster for the user without scrolling down if they have similar results

For the context, here’s the screenshot that I would like to be able to do with the Bitwarden App

The full example query shown in the screenshot is
>name:*mytitle* -folder:Storage -folder:"Work Server"

So, assuming I have folders named "Storage" and "Work Server"
And I want to search every account that has "mytitle" in it without including the results from "Storage" and "Work Server" folders.

I’ve searched the forum but haven’t found anything related, if there’s a similar request to this, please let me know.

I hope it’s clear.