Additional item types (pre-defined)

Oh, and no Touch ID support is a biggie for me as well.

@tgreer This is the most important feature request for many many users, including me. We’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

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Want to move from lastpass because they are changing their subscriptions. However I really need some categories like wifi, bank accounts, etc.
Please make this available!

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I do not understand why an item that has soo many votes is not on the roadmap. It seems that voting does not have a great influence on what is implemented in future versions.


Currently bitwarden has categories

  • Personal
  • Cards
  • Secure note
  • Login

I think it would be helpful to have a new category called “Identity document” for things like passports and driving license with fields

  • First name
  • Last name
  • ID number
  • Issue date
  • Expiry Date
  • Uploaded document

This might be a duplicate of this one:


I paid for premium a few ago after being a long time user. I cant expect features without supporting and some great features have been added in the last year. I saw yesterday that this feature was not on the new roadmap and was extremely disappointed. Some great features have been added in the last year and understand why this was not added then- there is an alternative to this but not a trashcan. But not seeing it on the 2021 roadmap is a huge let down.

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Really needed feature, and reading the comments, yes for the templates and flexibility to choose which to use.
One IMPORTANT feature is auto add data for wifi !

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Thank you for your unlimited patience and grace in here. It is frustrating that this feature isn’t available yet but I’ve been here long enough to really appreciate the team’s development pace and priorities.


Add one more vote for this request. We’re trying to migrate from mSecure and not having the custom type is a total dealbreaker when managing hundreds of clients.

Having the option to create my own templates would keep me out of Lastpass. I would love to see this feature request taken into account and built into Bitwarden.

I am going to have to say Good Bye to Bitwarden, I jumped in head first with them and paid for the first year of premium, but they have not added categories, have not added bank accounts and such things, so I am giving up on Bitwarden and going back to 1password as they also have 2FA built in as well.

Take Care and stay safe everyone.

You could have done that and more yourself. It is called Custom Fields.


I completely 100% +1 this!

+100 for this. I cam here from LastPass because of their changes, but the one thing I miss is the ability to autofill my checking account for ACH.

Once they add this, I will most likely subscribe to the family account. Until then I am going to try some other password managers

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And again: Make use of Custom Fields. They are so much more flexible than pre-defined item types.


It would also be good if EC cards would be supported (really popular in Europe).
It fields would be
IBAN: global identifier of the card, has a specific format starting with letters and then a long number
BIC: a identifier of the bank I think (some letters)
^ those two are the ones that should be autofilled

additional fields are:
card number: just the number of you card, don’t know it’s use case
expiry date: at least for me that is only the year (no month)
PIN: the secret PIN of your card which you need to type in to pay at stores or to get money at ATMs (ideally should not be autofilled because it is not used online as far as I know)

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+1 for custom item types

Meanwhile, maybe that workaround will help some people out:

  1. Create a template folder (optional but keeps things neat)
  2. Create some template secure notes using the (also limited cough cough) field types using dummy data
  3. When you need to create a new custom secure note, select your makeshift template note, and clone it

Is that perfect? Nope… but it works for me and Bitwarden is the only password manager that works on Samsung Dex (lastpass and 1password do not) and I happen to be one of the few human beings who really like Dex.



Where is this? Is this a premium offering? I see only “Login, Identity, Card and Secure Note”.


You miss the point Peter… It’s about usability and convenience. People want simplicity and reuse in the app. They don’t WANT TO create something custom for every operation, especially when other products have the feature. People WANT to stick with and support Bitwarden (like me), but if the product doesn’t evolve to include features that end users (and not just enterprises) want, it won’t be very successful. People use apps to bring lots of features and simplicity. If they wanted to custom build everything, they could do that with Notes…

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