Adding Biometric/PIN authentication with Master password re-prompt

I honestly can’t believe this isn’t an option. I’ve been looking to switch from LP for over a year now, and have tried Dashlane, 1Pass, NordPass, and of course BW. BW is by far the best candidate, but the fact this particular feature doesn’t exist means I either seriously reduce the level of security for my most important items (mainly banks, etc) or I have to enter my password upwards of like 40x per day. With LP, I just use my fingerprint, so it’s half a second -2 seconds. This is a dealbreaker for me. And I can’t believe none of the other PMs actually provide this feature. So disappointed I was really hoping to switch to BW but I can’t be typing out my master password 30-40x per day. It’s 18chars long. Not doing it. So, please make this happen and you will have a loyal user.

This feature is repeated throughout multiple posts, and therefore doesn’t have the vote weight it should. Adding up all the votes, this easily becomes one of the highest voted features.

ex. Adding Biometric/PIN authentication with Master password re-prompt

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