2FA on Browser Extension loses focus going to read verification code email

Browser extension on Firefox
Account has 2FA via email
Log in with master password
BW sends email
I read email - browser loses focus
Browser extension popup gone - no option to somehow lock it

Welcome, @chrisH to the community!

Clicking on the icon below will pop-out the extension into its own window that does not go away unless you manually close it.


Thanks @DenBesten - here’s what I mean by no option to lock it.

This is when logged out and requiring 2FA to. I don’t see the option to pop-out. I can only add one image as a new user but none of the subsequent screens have the option.

@chrisH Welcome to the forum!

Since you’re using Firefox, the best way to deal with this is to open the Firefox Side Bar. The Bitwarden browser extension window will then be displayed in the Side Bar, and not close when you click elsewhere.

Alternatively, you can open two browser windows side-by-side (or partially overlapping, as long as you can see at least part of the open browser extension pop-up in the first window while the second window is in focus). When returning to the first browser window after copying the 2FA code from the second window, make sure that you click only within the boundaries of the open browser extension pop-up window in the first browser.

There is a third method that involves creating a browser bookmark to open the browser extension login screen in a full browser tab. Let me know if you would like instructions for how to do so.

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Thanks, Option 1 was plenty thanks

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