2025.1.0 Browser Extension UI/UX Megathread

Hey all, just dropping a new post to capture feedback on the updated browser extension. We’re still actively collecting feedback, so thanks for sharing!

It may take time to roll out to all platforms, so thanks for your patience!

:white_check_mark: Copy Behavior (released)

Choose your preferred copy behavior: Settings > Appearance > Show quick copy actions on Vault

:white_check_mark: Autofill Behavior (released)

Choose your preferred behavior for autofill suggestions: Settings > Autofill > Click items to autofill

:white_check_mark: Compact Mode (beta)

Settings > Appearance > Compact mode (you can also choose your preferred Extension width in the drop-down above).

Please note compact mode is in beta and we’re still collecting and reviewing feedback.

:white_check_mark: Collapse All items/Favorites

Collapse the All items and Favorites sections in the Vault view.

:soon: Identities & Cards (coming soon)

Choosing either of the following in the options menu will ensure that identities and cards are always available in the Vault view

  • Settings > Autofill > Always show cards as Autofill suggestions on Vault view
  • Settings > Autofill > Always show identities as Autofill suggestions on Vault view

:soon: Chrome performance

This is a known bug affecting some community members. This is expected to be resolved in a future Chrome release.

  • In the meantime, you can try using Canary.
  • The steps listed here and here also resolved the issue for some community members.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Persistent State (in progress)

The extension will now remember the current page for a while when you open and close the popup. If you experience any issues with this feature, please let us know which version you’re using.

We’re also working on adding the ability to maintain unsaved values and scroll position, so stay tuned for updates!

Other feedback

  • Compact mode could be more compact
  • Font size/contrast less readable
  • Trouble reading folder names due to width of drop-down

I’d like to be the first to thank Bitwarden for listening to the feedback over the past month and implementing that which is most “popular”. Hoping this tradition continues.

And to all those contributing, lets all try to keep things positive and provide feedback to Bitwarden that is “actionable”.


+1 to the above! Love the new filter function in the extension, and would love to see an improved compact mode, well done all!


Please make “show quick copy actions on vault” default ON with this new redesign. I was about to flip when I saw these were removed not realizing I could have re-enabled it. I bet a good amount of people feel the same way.


@Berzerker Welcome to the forum!

… and just to add an image to your post - that would look like this (with everything else on the current default):

(default width, no compact mode, with Fill-button, and Fill-button-size language dependent)

PS: Ah, that’s how it would look like in German (due to the larger “Fill”-button less space for the item title):


Would it be possible to add an option to display all items in a folder view similar to what was visible on the Vault tab in the old version of extension? So that we could choose to display the items in a flat list, folder view, or collapse it.

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Can you PLEASE restore the ability for me to via 1 single click “Add current browser URL path to existing login credential”

Since December the new UI broke my workflow where I may have saved a password for cheese. x .com and when I visit x.com I have to search for the “cheese. x.com” credential and I need both URLs to be mapped to the 1 login…

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@gman Welcome to the forum!

This was never possible to do in a single click. Prior to the UI redesign, you had do click the item in the search results list to open it, then scroll to the bottom of the item details, and then click “Autofill and Save” (i.e., 2 clicks and a scroll).

In the new UI, there are still only 2 clicks: Click on the overflow menu icon (three vertical dots) for the relevant item in the search results list, and then click “Fill and Save”.

Nonetheless, there is a case to be made for restoring buttons for forced autofill and “Fill and Save” to the View Login view. There is a relevant feature request here:

Reiterating a previous message I posted -

Bring back the old UI.

This new UI wastes space, lacks in contrast, and broke user flows for no good reason.


I think they’ve already taken steps that make reverting to the previous UI pointless. I’d prefer for them to learn from the mistakes made and make every effort to satisfy those who have objections or good ideas for improving the extension.

Of course, from what I can see, some users will stop using it and move elsewhere, though I honestly don’t understand this - having tested competing products before Bitwarden, I still believe that nothing else would satisfy me as much (for example, seriously, 1Password uses Fastmail and NOTHING ELSE to generate email aliases?). That said, I genuinely hope everyone finds something that works for them.

I’ve noticed that not everyone is aware of which options they can revert to or where to find them. Additionally, delays in different extension stores are causing confusion, with many users asking why they don’t have certain features while others do. Maybe the Bitwarden status page could include information about which version is available in each store.


Which flows did it break for you?

I see no advantage to “show quick copy actions on vault”. It takes away needed space for names. I’ve tried it with both options and prefer the updated view not showing the quick copy actions. It’s a cleaner look and perfectly functional in my opinion.


Could not agree more. They are taking our feedback and attempting to please everyone, which will never happen. Haters will be haters.

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How would that work for people who have already changed the defaults to what they prefer – in most cases, a mix of the old and new settings?

If the settings were stored as a json file at a known location on the filesystem, you could use your existing system management tools (group policy, login scripts, etc.) to enforce whatever corporate settings you desire.

Perhaps write this up as a “feature request” and see how many votes you can gather.

I agree with many of the comments above. The transition was painful. But once I discovered the wider size, the compact mode, the display of items that suddenly went hidden, and a few other things, it became more bearable.

That being said, I also agree that the “look” is not modern at all. I can’t pinpoint the right word to describe it. But it feels like a step backwards.

I do have the new UI on Chrome and Edge, but Firefox is still on the old UI on Windows. On macOS, Chrome also has the new UI but Safari still had the old one.

Is it a known fact that the Firefox add-on and Safari extension have not been updated yet? Or do I have another issue?

Given that I constantly switch between all those browsers, it is disconcerting to have different looks.

What’s the time frame for updating Firefox and Safari? The reason I ask about the time frame is that I have an issue with a particular website, but only on Firefox, not on Chrome nor Edge. So maybe, just maybe, the updated UI will fix the issue that is currently only in Firefox.


Since only a few workstations had it force updated, I presume you are more concerned about a thundering herd when you turn off the lock. That is a reasonable concern.

One of my biggest tricks is to send an email introducing the change that includes self-service instructions (words and pictures, or a prerecorded video) and an invite for an office-hours session to occur on Zoom/Teams a few hours after the change.

Another thing that helps is to identify users that are particularly friendly, approachable and helpful. Then, when one of them calls in, ask that they share the answer with the others in their building.

Most people, both young and old are actually able to follow directions. It is those who ask questions first that earn my respect. Those that don’t tend to end up creating bigger messes that are harder to clean up.

The new design is too edgy, outlines are too contrasting, components are mismatched in sizes, and there are like 4 different radius. If a designer was engaged to do this, I would seek a rework or refund, what was the goal of this big bang refresh anyway?

I’m more a functional guy, so designs usually don’t irk me that much, but I agree it feels like a step backwards.

Over time, I learnt not to do 3 things: big bang approach (waiting and waiting until it is 1 big humongous change), rewriting from scratch and support 2 versions in parallel.

Luckily there is only 1 version in this case. Big bangs usually lead to reactions like what we have now, and rewriting from scratch (which I think this also qualifies for) loses ALL the fine tuning and adjustments that were accumulated over time.

This creates unnecessary friction between users/devs and depletes the trust that was painstakingly built up over time.

The one bigger upside is that, finally I can filter down my long list of google accounts to fill, where in the past, I always had to scroll through that long unsorted list.

Please vote to to have Click items to autofill on vault view ticked by default here Make `fill` as default when clicked

Firefox should be on the new UI since around Christmas, if I remember correctly. I did not monitor Safari, though, but it should be also on the new UI for a few weeks.

My Firefox extension is still on version 2024.12.4. I removed it and installed another Bit Warden extension but it’s also on 2024.12.4. FYI